We serve as a partner who supports you fully in all stages of the life cycle of your solution: from consultation and planning through to implementation and operating and maintenance services. We develop an integrated strategy for your ICT platforms and continuously improve their performance. You receive options for optimising your business processes and ICT infrastructure over the entire value chain.
What we do
Suntel Switzerland and Enkom are firmly rooted in Switzerland while maintaining an international outlook. Our regional sites enable us to provide a high level of service quality and customer proximity, which is decisive in this sector. For more than 25 years, we have been a successful player based in central Switzerland: We can look back on numerous successful projects and are proud to boast so many satisfied customers. As an experienced full-service provider, we continue to expand our offer, thereby constantly enhancing our unique know-how. Everyone benefits: customers, partners and the company itself.
About us

Planning and realisation

Efficient and effective project implementation requires precise planning. Thanks to our engineering and project management services, we support you with the building of architectures, configuration and realisation concepts. In the process, we rely on our comprehensive product, technology and process expertise, which we prove in practice day after day.

When implementing your projects, we take over installation, implementation and configuration as well as overall logistics. This also applies to the modernisation of existing communication infrastructure. We guarantee a seamless execution in the process: As a general contractor, we are fully responsible for the efficient and effective implementation of your plans. Our experts cover all areas of large and complex realisation projects – without sacrificing anything when it comes to Quality.

We offer long-standing experience in programme and project management and ensure that even complex tasks are clearly defined, well planned and seamlessly implemented. Project and realisation management are among our most important core competencies and they guarantee both the success of the project as well as customer satisfaction. We rely on the following success factors when implementing sophisticated projects:

Proximity to customers
We have five locations in Switzerland from which we can optimally serve all regions of the country. Proximity to our customers and our expertise in the respective industries enable us to provide you with the necessary know-how and services quickly and efficiently. Our excellent networking and long-standing experience at local and regional level guarantee that you receive top-quality products and services.

Interdisciplinary approach
As a general contractor, we are fully responsible for your ICT project and cover all specialities with the corresponding planning and realisation experts. You communicate with a single partner who assumes professional responsibility for concept development, technology selection, decision-making, realisation and integration. We ensure that your project is executed successfully, on time and within the planned budget.

We are familiar with our customers’ project approaches and procedures and implement projects in the correct phases. The necessary end-of-phase results are presented to the decision-making bodies and are comprehensible and transparent for you as the customer at all times. We are well versed in project approaches such as Hermes, IPMA and PMI.